

EMS Energy Manager System

EMS (Energy Management System) is an energy management system that operates as a Smart Grid node. Its main objective is to generate and manage energy efficiently and sustainably, ensuring a continuous and reliable power supply.

Through the use of advanced technologies, the EMS monitors and controls energy flows and is able to manage the production, distribution and consumption of energy in real time, optimizing the use of available resources and promoting energy efficiency .

This advanced solution is ideal for various applications, both industrial and residential, offering significant benefits in terms of reduced energy costs, increased sustainability and improved resource management.

SIRA’s EMS Energy Manager System represents an important innovation in the energy management sector, offering an effective solution to address the challenges related to energy shortages and contributing to a more sustainable and efficient energy future.


EMS has been developed for a wide range of corporate, commercial and civil uses, including sectors such as telecommunications, dairy industries, cold chain, petrol stations, bank branches, schools, canteens, submersible pumps, houses and condominiums, street lighting and many others.

The adoption of EMS, combined with energy saving solutions, offers significant benefits by improving the quality of life and bringing substantial cost savings. Thanks to optimized energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and an intelligent management of resources, the EMS allows a significant reduction in energy consumption and associated costs.

This leads to a substantial improvement of the environment, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to the more sustainable use of energy resources. Adopting EMS not only delivers economic benefits, but also contributes to a greener future by helping to preserve and protect the environment for future generations.

EMS therefore represents a key solution to improve sustainability, energy efficiency and quality of life, enabling a positive impact on both business expenses and the surrounding environment.


EMS Telco

The telecommunication market is becoming  more and more competitive reducing the EBIT of telecommunication companies, due to high energy cost for empowering the BTS. It’s very common, in emerging countries, to have BTSs powered partially or totally by diesel generators. This is because of grid electricity not present or unstable, due to the countries energy  shortage. One of the highest OpEX components, in this situation, is the cost of energy.

aerial-1880864_960_720SIRA EMS Telco has been designed to reduce the cost of electricity to the minimum, with a low CapEx respect the traditional hybrid systems. Using EMS it is possible to avoid totally the usage of the diesel generator, in conditions of harsh load-shedding (16 hours per day and more), using only 12 PV panels. System reliability: all silicon based switches and  telecom subsystems are capable to give  a full reliable power solution with the cheapest electricity cost. Performance can reach 100% of fuel saving. A so high  saving is capable to transform the profit and loss of telecom companies.

EMS Telco allows an increased reliability of the communications that reaches the top of the category. Security of data and commands, sent from the central system to the peripheral systems, is guaranteed by secure protocols of communication: no data lost. No interception thanks to encryption with AES 256 bit algorithm.

EMS Telco is fully integrated with any BTS and any equipment already installed.
The continuous monitoring of the network and of each node promptly allows to intercept failures or loss of energy and to isolate one section of the network in question, thanks to the telemetry and remote monitoring
system (RMCS), realized according to the encryption logic and to to data and controls security .

EMS is so powerful that, for example, we only use one third of the solar panels used by our competitors’ in their configurations, with the same load to be powered:

SIRA pv                Competitor1                Competitor2

Presentation: Sira EMS TELCO Tests and Results

Sira EMS Tests and Results

RMCS – Remote Monitoring and Command System

The platform RMCS (Remote Monitoring and Command System) offers a comprehensive system of monitoring and control for Outdoor and Indoor BTS or for the monitoring and control of any power equipment.- Bi-Directional communication link.

RMSC1– Commands can be send to RMCS.
– Server anywhere in the world.
– Information disseminated where needed.
– Secured.

The RMCS is fully upgradable to Energy Manager System. Adding specific component (PV panels, etc.) and upgrading the software, RMCS evolves to a Energy Manager System (EMS), without losing previous investments. The design of EMS will be based on the real data previously gathered though RMCS.
Logs, warnings and alarms are sent through telemetry (SMS, GPRS or UMTS) to a mobile phone or a remote server according to the chosen options.
When GPRS/UMTS cannot be used, SMS fault messages are sent to 3 different numbers. In case of 2G/3G connection, all data are sent to a server having a public IP address.
Through a internet browser it’s then possible to check the overall BTS situation, warning, faults and the BTS assets.
RMCS is connected to the central server through a double SIM, with an encrypted end to end link, based on AES 256 bit encryption. It’s not only telemetry because commands can be sent to RMCS from the centre (NOC).
RMCS continuously monitor the network from the Central Server to check operational parameters, log data and to avoid data losses.

EMS for Rural Houses and Villages

MiniEMS1               MiniEMS               MiniEMS2

EMS rural house KIT n. 1 Kit n. 2
PV panel 100 W 200 w
Led lamps 3 4
Pedestal fan 1 1
Portable lamp 1 1
Ceiling fan 1
Cabinet with battery and charger 1 1

SIRA has developed energy solutions for rural areas where commercial electricity is still missing or where the grid is totally unstable. The solutions are based on kits designed for rural houses, that include photovoltaic panels, battery, lights and fan at a very affordable price.

The versality of Sira EMS allows any kind of configuration, in term of power and energy sources that can be integrated from Full Solar to solar, wind, diesel genarator and batteries to have the least investment cost and the cheapest operating expenses.

Cost per KW can be as low as per grid utility. It can be an alternative solution to extend the grid trasmission lines to reach rural villages.

Moreover if in a second time, the village is reached by the grid utility, EMS allows the integration with the traditional electricity grid.

EMS for Dairies – Milk chiller – Cold chain

milk chillerEMS for refrigeration (refrigerated warehouses, cold rooms, milk chillers, etc.) in its full-solar or hybrid version, allows total compliance with international food safety standards and reduces or even eliminates the use of the diesel generator.

With our technology, this process can now also be used and implemented by smallholder cooperatives, with the opportunity to create local development in their area and added value.

For example, one way of developing the dairy industry in rural areas is to set up milk chiller and collection centers to enable even small farmers (who own only 1 or 2 cows) to produce, store and sell milk and dairies.

EMS solution for Kot Momin Farm: Milk Chiller web

Solar pumps and submersible pumps

Submersible-Pump-for-Agriculture-300x200The principle of operation is to adapt the water flow to sun irradiance.

Water can be delivered  regardless of weather conditions. The VFD inverter reduces motor speed and the water flow proportionally.

Due to it, water flow is not constant during daytime and therefore a  storage tank is normally required.

In case where there is no electricity, this is the best alternative to the usage of diesel generators.

When the grid is present but there is a very high level of load shedding, a hybrid solution becomes preferable. Water flow is more constant and the water quantity increases  significantly.

SIRA can give the forecast of produced water per each day of the year through the usage of mathematical simulation.

The top technology of Italian pumps paired up with American motors, provides the best solution for every need from 1 KW to 45 KW.

GAS & OIL – Solar System for Corrosion Protection

Gas&Oil2Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique that allows to control the corrosion of a metal surface, so it is like the cathode of an electrochemical cell.

The cathodic protection process works by counteracting the corrosive current with the application of a reverse voltage to the tube. If a pipe is well covered it can be taken from 0.0003 mA / m2 to 1.1 mA / m2. At strategic intervals along a pipe, usually no more than twenty kilometers, the current is injected through a printed current for cathodic protection, with anodes connected to a DC power supply (ICCP).

Very often pipelines run throughout countries and go to remote areas where energy must be provided by independent systems. One possibility is the use of diesel generators, but they are difficult to maintain and are not cheap.

The best solution is to use the EMS, with or without the generator.

 EMS for Banks and Commercial

BankBank branches have extended business hours, often 24/7, and running costs are rising together with the costs of electricity.

During the normal opening hours the  full load  must be powered on, whilst in night time or during weekend and holidays only critical load such as ATM, security cameras, alarm system etc must be powered on.

In countries where there is loadshedding, business must go on even when grid electricity is OFF.  Diesel generators are helpful for it but, the cost per Kw/h becomes very high.

SIRA’s process to reduce the cost of energy, consist in  energy audit and energy conservation, to maintain the same functionalities  at reduced power.

EMS is capable to manage normal and critical loads together with the capability of  recharging the batteries (when the sun irradiation is not sufficient), through the grid electricity during hours in which electricity tariff is lower. It offers the most sophisticated hybrid solar solution able to give uninterrupted power at lowest cost.

EMS for Petrol Stations

PetrolStation2Petrol stations have extended working hours, often non-stop. Due to the increasing cost of electricity, costs of operation are increasing accordingly.

In countries where load-shedding occurs, business must be run seamlessly even when the electricity grid is OFF.  Diesel generators can help, but the electricity cost per Kw/h becomes very high.

In order to reduce energy costs, SIRA’s process of energy audit and energy conservation will allow petrol stations, such as every other commercial acyivity, to run its services also in load-shedding conditions.

A version of  EMS, specially designed for petrol stations, is capable of managing normal and critical loads, together with the ability to recharge batteries through the grid electricity when sun irradiation is insufficient and during hours when electricity tariffs are lowest.

Moreover an other cost reduction can be achieved trough replacing lamps and ballasts with energy efficient lamps and electronic ballast for canopies and road lights. A great reduction of the power is accomplished, maintaining the same illumination level (Lux).

SIRA offers the most sophisticated hybrid solar and technologically advanced solution at present.


Industrial2Sometimes it is difficult to bring electricity to far flung areas, in which only diesel generators can be used (i.e. mining) and when a country has energy shortage problems the only solution is loadshedding. Battery based solution, normally used on small loads, are not economically viable.

The SIRA Hybrid Microgrid, combines grid, diesel and photovoltaics into a hybrid system, minimizing fuel and grid dependency. Photovoltaics, in sunny regions, have already become the most economically and viable way to generate power, even without subsidies. PV systems do not cause emissions. They require low maintenance and have very low operating costs. They have a modular design, are scalable and can be adjusted according to current energy demands.

Industrial1The solution is currently catering to loads over 300 KW. With SIRA Microgrid solution, photovoltaic reduces the grid consumption and the diesel generator consumption with the PV produced power. As an example a PV plant of 100 kw in Pakistan produces 170,000 Kwh/year that are an offset saving from the grid and the diesel generator production cost. A financial model has been developed that allows the client to make a bare minimum capital investment thus allowing it the flexibility to invest in other areas at the same time.

SIRA Micro Grid System is based on special inverters controlled by scada system to avoid the instability of Microgrid, due to the coupling of PV plant with the genset. A rapid and intelligent management of load, grid and genset conditions, ensures that the diesel genset and the entire hybrid system operate smoothly and stably. In the event of major load changes or a sudden drop in PV feed-in, there is always sufficient spinning reserve available due to the intelligent control of PV generation that is adjusted automatically. Operators benefit from reduced fuel and logistics costs, lower CO2 emissions and a short amortization period of the system.

Photovoltaic Power Stations

A photovoltaic power station, also known as a solar park, is a large-scale photovoltaic system designed for the production and supply of power into the electricity grid. Main difference respct all other systems is that they supply power at the utility level, rather than to a local user or group of users.

The solar power source is via photovoltaic modules that convert light directly to electricity, transformed in High Voltage and delive-red to the grid through a connection point.

Sira, with its partners, have the role and responsibility of EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) of photovoltaic solar farms.

European know-how , the usage of the best equipment and the ac-tive cooperation of local construction companies give the best re-sults at the minimum price.

Photovoltaic plant must be very long life plant; to assure the hi-ghest energy harvesting the right design, usage of best quality pro-duct together with the proper monitoring and maintenance work, assures a real long life to the solar park.

Big size PV panels (over 300W) reduce land usage and cost of mounting structure. With the linear performance guarantee of 30 years, a product warranty of 12 years and only positive tolerance guarantees highest investment security.

Inverters are of Euro/American origin.

Street Lighting

SL1The most widespread solutions for street  lights are currently based on mercury vapor and HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lamps, powered through a magnetic ballast. This causes high levels of inefficiency and the electricity losses provoke high price rates for public lighting.

SIRA has developed  many different new technologies to reduce the cost of the public lighting from 50% to 90%.

Solutions are based on the usage of  the most efficient lamps combined with the usage of hybrid  or full electronic ballasts.

The SIRA solution for optimal low cost re-lamping, in which only the lamp and ballast are replaced, increases by 50% the quality of light while decreasing the power consumption. Lamps can be full yellow SOX, light yellow SON or Warm white ceramic metal halide.

A LED solution, slightly more elaborated,  has been designed  for hot climates with  power ranging from a minimum of 30 Watt to a maximum of 180 Watts.